I’ve been cleaning up old notes a bit and found an interesting list of scenarios I had jotted down. In traVRsal, the player is confined by the real world boundaries he has to walk around in, so it can be quite a challenge to find fitting environments that lend themselves. They need to have a labyrinthian character with relatively tight corridors in order to make portal placement non-obvious or feature multiple floors. So far the game features dark Pyramid corridors, a police training parkour, a tight space station, an art gallery (a tricky one to get right!), and many more.
Here are the ones I came up that are not realized yet:
- Server room
- Submarine
- Zeppelin (inside and outside)
- Vents
- Sewers
- Subway
- Minaturized world
- Mazes (with real world inspiration)
- Haunted basement
This assumes we are not really using moving platforms and climbing as that totally changes the game and allows much bigger and more natural scenarios.