There’s a new book from Robert Fischer accompanied again, of course, by the Fibotrader charting software. It’s backing up the book’s content with tons of charts and signal reports. In time with the launch of the book we also published a revamped version 3.5.8 (we grabbed the chance and jumped to this version intentionally, anyone […]
One Saturday my girlfriend and I thought what to do and came up with the idea to make a short experimental movie with the Canon 7D in preparation for a bigger one. Also, I always wanted to do some more technical tests with using the slow-motion mode as well as doing some more advanced video […]
Sadly enough also me I’m getting older. Hitting 30 is quite special, so sitting there three days before my birthday, one quiet Friday afternoon, I figured it might be nice to prepare a little movie which I could attach to my birthday invitation. And also of course I could learn some new filming concepts. The […]
I wanted to make an experiment: how would it look like if one filmed the whole 5h way from Dresden to Heidelberg and sped it up to the length of a music video? So on one of my trips I installed my Sony Cam. On the first trip I made a test what to watch […]