Around 6 weeks ago I saw Leap Motion doing a VR jam. They had some nice prizes but honestly I really love jams for a much different reason: a deadline. It forces one to work on a minimum viable prototype, get it running and enhance as much as possible until the deadline arrives.
I had some Sundays to spare and wanted to do something with my Oculus DK2 and Leap Motion anyway so in I went. Monday two weeks ago I submitted the final result and… I am quite proud of it!
Check it out if you have the gadgets:
Or watch this play-through video to get a feeling for it:
This was quite a cool journey for me and I learned a lot about Unity and game development. I thought, why not show some of the steps involved as others might find that very interesting as well. In the next couple of blog posts I will illustrate the steps of how I tried to get with minimal efforts to a final game. Have fun!