We have a room, props, game mechanics. Now we need characters. Luckily there is the incredible Mixamo Fuse (now Adobe Fuse)that spits out ready to use Unity characters. They also have many animations available for free currently, including many zombie animations, what a coincidence. First of all we need zombies. And for our tutorial we […]
Having only your hands puts quite some challenges on the interaction with the environment. The player starts the exe file, puts on the Oculus and then does not see the keyboard anymore. That is important to realize. He probably can still use easy to find keys like space and escape, but moving with aswd is […]
Where are we now. We have an idea. We have many openings. These need to be barricaded. First question: What is the easiest way forward? I imported my beloved ProBuilder and created a first rough level and placed an awesome free zombie from the Asset Store in there. After a first texturing iteration and some decals we end […]